Shin beef on the bone


Shin beef on the bone is cut from the leg of our locally reared grass fed British beef, with less than 5 food miles, and 32 day dry-aged by our Master Butcher. Shin beef on the bone ensures the flavour from the bone marrow is retained in the dish through cooking. Shin beef on the bone is nicely marbled to create a deeper flavour. It is perfect for casserole cooking such as chilli.

£2.97 250g (serves 1-2 people)
£5.94 500g (serves 2-3 people)
£11.88 1kg (serves 4-6 people)

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Relevant Recipes

As the nights draw in, is there much better than the kitchen smelling of beautiful aromas from the slow cooker? If you don’t think so yet, this slow cooker beef shin chilli recipe is sure to change your mind! Perfect to put on in the morning to be ready for when you get home.
Serves 4-6 | Prep time: 20 mins | Cook time 8-12 hours
For the Chilli:
2-3 discs of Beef shin, on the bone
1 Onion, sliced thinly
3 cloves of garlic, minced
2tsp smoked paprika
2tsp ground cumin
6 large, fresh tomatoes, cubed
Tin of kidney beans, drained
1 bottle of your favourite ale (we love to go with Newcastle Brown Ale)
2 red peppers, diced
1tsp mixed herbs
2 bay leaves
1/2 tbsp tomato puree
2 fresh chillies, sliced thinly
2 tbsp cornflour
Sour cream
For the chunky guacamole:
3 ripe avocados
1 large tomato
1 large lime
1 red onion, finely chopped
1, red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
25ml tequila
1. In a large pan, fry the shin for -3 mins each side until brown, do this in multiple batches if needs be. Transfer to the slow cooker. In the same pan, fry off the onions for around 5 minutes, until they become slightly softened and brown. Add the minced garlic, paprika and cumin and fry for a further minute. Add to the slow cooker.
2. To the slow cooker, add the peppers, kidney beans, fresh tomatoes, ale, mixed herbs, tomato puree, and bay leaves. If there is not enough liquid to cover the shin beef, top up with water. Set the slow cooker to low, cover with a lid and leave for 8-12 hours, until the beef is completely tender and the bone marrow has rendered into the sauce.
3. Near the end of the cooking, begin making the chunky guacamole. pulverise the tomato to a pulp and then transfer to a bowl. Halve the avocado removing the stone and use a spoon to scoop out the avocado flesh into the bowl with the tomato. Add the juice of the lime, 25ml of tequila, finely chopped red onion and chilli into the bowl, seasoning with salt and pepper. Use a fork to combine the ingredients, leaving some of the avocado in small chunks. Cover and store in the fridge until it’s time to serve.
4. Return to the slow cooker, giving the chilli a good stir and removing the bones from the beef shin. break up any large chunks of beef into smaller pieces. In a separate bowl, or jug add the cornflour and 2-3 spoons of the chilli sauce, mixing until a paste forms. Add the paste back into the slow cooker and stir to combine. Leave the lid off of the slow cooker to allow the sauce to thicken.
5. Serve the shin beef chilli according to your preferences, over rice, with tortilla chips, or in tacos. Don’t forget your chunky guacamole, soured cream and the fresh red chillies to serve!